Every night my family makes me go to sleep at 10-12PM and I do. this has been happening for the past 3 or so weeks. in the mornings i'm a zombie and my parents never trust my word when i tell them that i'm going to sleep. sometimes I miss school and sleep in and its affecting my grades. It's became a daily activity to sleep when i get home around 4 pm and sleep until 10pm or 11pm ( I'm forced to go to sleep at 12 latest). sometimes i force my self to stay awake when i get home but it usually ends with me sleeping in. my classwork is bad, and i'm not paying attention in my classes because of my need for sleep. whats wrong with me? I was thinking to resort to energy drinks or something. but i don't wan to rely on them. Also, I never have a sip of coffee in the morning and only get breakfast rarely.