Was alone with my friends mom, she offered wine and we talked till after midnight. Im over 20, she over 40, single, still fit and good looking. She wore casual clothes, she played with her hair, made eye contact, laughed a lot. I assumed she was into me, so I took a moment to collect my thoughts and finally came onto her. I said I find her very hot and I enjoy spending time with such an attractive woman. She said I should probably go home and that I am crazy, but not in a harsh tone.

I could see she was very flustered and she tried to hide a smile. That really confused me, all these mixed signals. Well, I left, it was all very calm and we said bye to eachother. Now I am not sure whether I had reason to believe she was into me or whether this was all in my head.

So mothers, please tell me your thoughts about this. Do you consider drinking wine alone with a young man past midnight platonic or strictly sexual? How would you react if a friend of your son made a move on you? Did you ever desire some friends of your son? Any experiences?

And before people start to flame: My friend knows I have the hots for his mom and he doesnt mind me sleeping with her.