I have two cats. The eldest is a few years old, and lived with me at my parent's house. She doesn't care about anything except cuddles. The only things she doesn't like is the occasional bath I have to give her, and the hoover. Shortly after I moved into my own flat, I got the second, Batman, to keep her company since she was used to a busy house. Batman, just under a year old now, seems to be scared shitless of everything. He hates the hoover, understandably. He hates people. He hates the new washing machine I've just had put in my kitchen. I have no clue what to do with him at this point because no matter what I try, he refuses to go near any of these things. He won't even go in the kitchen right now, even though the washer is off, and he hasn't eaten since early this morning. Is there anything I can do to try and help him overcome these fears, or do I just have to accept it and rearrange my flat around his weird tendencies?