I am 14 years old and have a few questions about the job of being a nurse and also dealing with anaesthetics during a surgery.
What do you wear? Is it the normal nurse clothes? Or do you get to wear these white robes/cape things?
Is the pay good?
Are there levels? Like a 1st year nurse, and 2nd year and so on. If you have more experience do you get to do more things or is it the same things no matter how much experience you have? The more years you stay at that hospital are you more likely to be considered with more experience?
What is it like to work in a hopsital environment?
I heard that sometimes you work with some groups, and if you have done a succesfull surgery the group often goes out and has a meal to celebrate their success. Is that true?
Also what shoes must you always wear?
Do you go in the hospital with your nurse clothes on or do you have lockers and change there?
Once you've became a nurse that does anaesthetics, are you required to keep studying things and new drugs?
How would you practice that?
Apart from anaesthetics in a surgery and things like that, what else can a nurse do?
Is there something a nurse cannot do?
Is it better to be a nurse that does anaesthetics too or can you be a doctor that just does anaesthetics? Can a doctor that just does anaesthetics check up on patients as well?