So hey everyone. I'm 15 and i met this guy on instagram. who is a year older than me and lives in my area and who some of my friends know. He is a nice, kind, caring... Close to perfect guy. We started talking. We have been talking on kik or i culd say we have been txting for about six weeks. I like him alot. He calls me hun and love... But he talks like that to everyone so that's not considered as flirting for me. During this time we have come so close but we always talked as a friends. He even called me cute and beautiful. Sometimes he wuld randomly say I have beautiful smile and eyes. I liked him more than a friend but I never told him. I did something that I shouldn't have done I wuld always say there is this guy's that were friends but I like him and that i dont think he will ever like me and that i dont wanna ruin our friendship basically I was talking about him with him I told him that I have to get over that guy which is him. But he didn't know and then two days I asked if he has a gf and he said kind of. He never had a gf in this whole 5 weeks but then he tells me he likes this new gurl. I checked his instagram followers and i saw that he just followed him like a week ago which maybe means that they just started talking. Yesterday I decided to tell him the truth I told him that I have feelings for him but I know that he likes another gurl so I'm moving on I asked him if we can stay friends and he said yes ofcourse and he understands me becuz he's been in my situation one and that I'm great friend and amazing person. I like him alot and there is this question that's been bothering me this three days I wanna ask him if he ever considered or looked at me as more than a friend but I don't if I should. I think he thought that I like another guy and he moved on. I really don't know what to do please help me.