I'm a 21 yr old female, virgin, and I feel that my stimulations and pleasure aren't quite...Normal. When I masturbate with my fingers, i tend to get quite wet, even after I finish and stop my underwear end up a little damp. Now I have a vibrator, which has increased both the pleasure and.. Well. Every time I use my vibrator, I feel like I'm peeing. I've read the posts on female ejaculation, I make sure to go before hand, I've even made sure to not drink for a few hours ahead of time, but regardless, without even orgasming, I will at some point during pleasure let out enough liquid to soak my bedding through. Not only that, but prolonged sessions, I can do this 2-3 times over. Sometimes it smells faintly of urine, sometimes it has no scent, but it always happens.

Im also pretty sure I have frequent wet dreams. Every couple months I'll have a "sex orientated" dream and I'll wake up shaking, out of breath and quite damp. Many times I'll still feel a bit of a.. Pulsing sensation within my vagina.

Is there something wrong with me? Or am I just a bit more sensitive or,, umm, driven than normal?