I've never seen a fly dying alone , only the ones i kill . Strangely, for the last 2 consecutive days after a 20year of life i experienced 2 flies died around me.
At the momento Im in Ibiza living in a hotel and , a flie just went to the fourth floor ,In the moment that I opened the door to go to the elevator and in that moment she went in my room into my clothes bag and just died in there like WTF , all that in less that 10 sec, it felt soo weird because it looked like she really had to Die there near me in my room
The day after, i went to the kitchen and a flie was again flying dizzy banged the wall and just died in there 1m away from me,
Common what's going on ? Does that happen often ? I felt like depression when they died like , a message from somewhere and a srnce of badluck and danger around