Ok, me and my boyfriend broke up cause he didnt trust me. He is a nice guy, faithful honest, and my parents love him. I treated him reallybad now I want him back. We still see and spend time together. He said the only way he would consider takin me back is if I mature, and show him I only want him. He still says he love me and I am so in love with him and dont want to move on, I want to keep,trying. He gets mad everytime I tell him im gone do better, he says I need to start showing him instead of telling. What should I do keep trying? What should I do to not push him away? Have anybody ever been im this situatiom b4 and yall got back together? Also he use to sell drugs a year ago but he have turned his life around, he goes to church has a job and dont fool with drugs anymore, but he been going to court for a year now, and he might be facing time, I really want to wait for him and work on getting better while he away is it right to wait? Should i?