My boyfriend of over a year just broke up with me out of the blue 2 weeks ago. I could kind of tell the end was coming because towards the end he became very distant but the week before he broke up he wasn't the last time we hung out he told me that he loved me so much and then two days later he broke up with me because of reasons that do not even make sense. He said that I hate everything about him (which is weird because I don't really ever insult him), he can't take the clingyness ( I text him maybe 2-3 times a week and for the first 7 or 8 months of the relationship he would want to hang out everyday and then would text me until he fell asleep and if I were to go to the mall or something with my friends he would text me the whole time and keep telling me that he wants me back now to hang out with him. However, I am the clingy one) and he said he knows what he wants to do a year from now which does not really conflict with what I want and we could definently work out a solution plus it was not a problem when we started dating so why is it now? I have not talked to him since the break up because all I hear about is how no contact helps bring them back. However, I did get in a rebound relationship which I now think I shouldn't have. I only did it to help get over my ex and I didn't think I could adapt to being single but I think it might have been better that way and maybe that is why my ex hasn't contacted me. What is weird though is that a couple nights ago I seen him walking past my house and then again last night but this time with his friend. It is weird because it was at midnight and almost 1am and my house is really out of the way from his and nothing is open at that time plus my house is like on the main road not the typical place where people walk at especially at night because people stop people. Like he would literally have to make several turns and walk down a big hill and then turn just to walk past my house when he could have just kept walking straight and he would be walking where most people do when the go for a walk. In addition to that he also about a week after the break up started getting on Facebook every single day several times a day which is really weird for him because he isn't a big facebook fan and never really used it before or during the time we dated but always knew I was like adicted to it. The day we did break up he got on and said to his friend that he was on because he didn't want to be alone with the thoughts he had about the break up because he might break something. Then he didn't get on for a week which is normal but now gets on everynight and posts a whole bunch of statuses about how he can't sleep. I am going crazy how do I get him back?