I'm always hungry after school, which is when I do my homework, what are the best snacks to get me filled up without having to be constantly snacking? (preferably healthy)
Responses (3)
An aubergine is an eggplant.
Study some books about nutrition so you will know how to eat right. Figure out how much fat you want per day and get it all for breakfast. Fat slows digestion so you have a steady supply of energy all day and you don't get hungry between meals.
The body needs forty nutrients. That takes care of one of them. Go and learn about the others.
After school I eat a granola bar and/or yogurt. That seems to keep my hunger down.
P.S. Supposedly, if you chew a certain flavor of gum (doesn't matter what flavor) while learning or studying, you will be able to remember things easier on a test if you chew the same flavor of gum.
Thanks! I've tried the gum trick before and it works pretty good! =)
Thanks! But what is an aubergine?