So recently I’ve been pondering upon a real hard question that always draws me to an unanswered result. The question at hand is, do you have any control over your life, or how you turn out? I’ve been thinking real hard about this question, and have come to believe that maybe who you are isn’t based upon what you would believe to be personal development, but more rather the your exposure to experiences and your environment. You are only the product of occurrences throughout life, and the thought of free will is only an illusion that has plagued the world. Essentially, you are a canvas that is painted overtime, being painted by personal beliefs (what you’ve been exposed to and are led to believe) and experiences throughout life. This is a bit out of context, but goes well with my reason for posting this, but why is it that you believe in the religion that you do, or why he or she may believe in the religion that they do? Do they know the actual point in what they’re doing? Of the thousands upon thousands of religions people come to the belief that their religion is “the one” and any other foreign religion seems to be crazy, or odd in some sort of way. I’m well aware that there’s science behind it and many variables, such as, genetics and things of that nature to consider when forming a belief. It’s pretty troubling for me to ponder across the question myself and learn nothing new.