Why can't I get him out of my head?

So during class a few days ago I was handing this guy some papers and he was listening to music so he didn't hear me when he did he looked up at me into my eyes, smiled and said "thanks." He has never looked at me that way that I have noticed. When I sat back down my friend mouthed "did you see how he looked at you?" I said no because I didn't think anything of it. She then said she was just kidding. I don't know if he likes me or anything.
Ever since then I've been caring about the way I look even though I am sick, I've been rushing to the two classes I have with him and I can't stop thinking about him. I've had crushes before but its never felt like this. He is a grade ahead of me (I'm in 9th). I've never really talked to him before. For about 3 weeks now I've been on an I hate guys rampage type thing because they just kept making me mad so I don't know how to react. Why can't I get him out of my head??