Well her it goes. This guy i like..was showing signs he likes me. He was staring at me, trying to talk to me, and other things too. And i, which is stupid..played the jealousy game. And when i did he would look at me or look away until i stopped talking. But lately he has been stopping that..like hes showing mixed signals. Two weeks ago he would look at me and as soon as i look at him he quickly turns around. And i was talking with my friends and he got in the conversation..and he said wow..and as soon as i turned around he turned around quickly. Anyway, last week he didn't talk to me at all but one day. He told me something..and i said ok and he looked me in the eyes while talking to me. But i still think he is moving on or something..cause now he is talking more to my friends..or the girls i talk to...and i do that to him. Anyway..today i was playing with his friends thing trying to open his pouch (he was looking at me the whole time) and his friends was like i what did you take..and i said nothing. (because its true) But then..he was like she blah blah..and he kept on saying i took the thing..but i didn't..and the whole time he wouldn't look at me he was just talking to his friend..even when i was talking to him..he kept on telling his friend that i took it without looking at me...and then my friend got in and she was like she didn't talk anything..and then he talked to my friend and not me..(and he didn't show interest in her at all until today!) I thought that was unfair, but he did it in a funny way. Then later on i did this presentation..and i had the same thing as him..and he was like she stole mine and everyone was laughing (in a good way) And i was like no i didn't you stole mine..and then he looked me in the yes while i was telling him that with a little smile on his face..so whats up with that..? He just showed signs of liking my friend today? And he shows signs of liking this other girl too..around me. Idk...is he over me?
SOO sorry if this is long!! :)

And b4 he didn't talk to girls much in person..now he is
He is popular nice guy..and im average..uh
And he says he likes no1 :(