I am 43 and have a 19 yr old girl that I am in a fwb relationship. Is this wrong. She made 1st move?

Responses (71)

I believe it is wrong. But love is blind. If you don't have any bad intentions with her and vice versa and believe this could lead to something good, go for it. Personally, I would not go for a man twice my age.

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There's nothing wrong with this.Its not like you kidnapped her .Its not like you're going to mis treat her (are you ) I live in the Philippines .That's a very normal thing here .People appear Happy and its no-one right or business to condemn anyone for it.
I'm from the U.S ----------Everything is different there . Too bad for you .Two people of legal age have the right to do anything they wanna do .People -- like the American Government need to stay out of other peoples Business .If it makes them both Happy -then do it and don't give a damn what other people think !

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It is a little unusual but if you're both legal and up to it then go have fun I say.

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it wont sound this bad after a few years if u can continue..30yr old lady married to a 54yr old man is not that uncommon...more over it is important how u look...that plays a crucial role over age...some men looks like 45 at 54....:)

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Although you never mentioned anything about Love, nobody can control who they fall in love with...And if it turns into Love, fuck what other people think!! The only thing that I would say is can you give her what she wants? Babies etc? Just be sure you are both Happy :)

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Thats just rape...eeeeeew

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Being honest, Ill say go for it, she's not underage, therefore it is legit. You're in a sense robbing the cradle..Alot of us older guys reminds me of a song by Toto...Some lives their dreams...some only close their eyes...

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I see nothing wrong with it. I'm married to someone 19 years younger than me and have been for about 7 years. If you're happy than don't let anyone else tell you different.

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Who the hell are ppl to tell you what you can do or not. Do what the hell you want while you both agree !

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My boyfriends dad is 44 and dating a 24 year old. They are expecting a baby and are pretty happy together. Age is an important number but if there is a connection then screw it. People cant tell you you cant be together.

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I hope you're still together. I would like to say firstly I am a counselling student - half way through my diploma, and secondly I am 26 my partner is 50 and we have been together 4 years.

Is it immoral because she is younger than you?
After an individual reaches adulthood unless they are in someway incapable of knowing their mind due to mental health issue or drugs and alcohol dependence there is no reason you would be taking advantage. In-fact I have always been attracted to older men due to the respect they have for me. They have less to prove to themselves and they bring more to the table.

You can't have anything in common?

There will be differences of course because you are two unique individuals. there should be differences between people. You must however also respect your partners youth - allow her the freedom to get things wrong. I am drawn to the fact my partner is more set in a direction and is stable but I still take him out to parties with friends and if he is tired he goes home and I dance until the nightclub closes. This is not something I wish to do often because I love my partner and want to be cosy with him. I join him at his martial arts fairs... I do not love martial arts but I like watching him. Don't listen to judgemental people.

Is it moral because its FWB?

The fact that you describe this as friends with benefits - if your sure she doesn't want more that's fine. But be a good friend - only you know whether your intentions are exploitative. I am friends still with many of my old FWB's. You move on to somebody you love but these experiences shape you. Be honest, never sugar coat, take ownership of your actions, don't treat her as a means to an end, and never listen to judgements on morality. Morality is subjective - the person you should ask is her. If she thinks this is ok and you do enjoy it.

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That is disgusting I feel sick, you are 43 and she is only 19 who cares if she made the first move it is sickening thinking you would even go for a 19 year old.

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That is disgusting I feel sick, you are 43 and she is only 19 who cares if she made the first move it is sickening thinking you would even go for a 19 year old.

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it is wrong. How can you romance a teenager?
At least get someone around about 36 years old.
It would be better than a 19y old girl.

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she did make the first move so its 100% legal

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