I am 43 and have a 19 yr old girl that I am in a fwb relationship. Is this wrong. She made 1st move?

Responses (71)

That is a bit unusual for me. But I am wondering what you feel towards her? And one more question? What would you think when you 19-year-old kid dates a person who is in his 40s?

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you are both legal age (in my country), so no problem there. But, you are asking, that means a part of you thinks it is wrong. So search inside yourself and decide if it is wrong.

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That's awesome. Go for it. It's not wrong at all.

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People need to stop writing "If it was you're daughter" Yes, as in any situation if you're bias you will naturally see things in another way, that's not what we're talking about. The women you are dating is 22 years-old, not a helpless 4 year old, she can think for herself and weigh up the morality of her decisions. Anyone who opposes your relationship based on nothing but social norms is an idiot.

I hope you have a long and happy relationship. :)

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She sounds like a golddigger bro

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Well right or wrong it is you and her that have to live with it. By that I mean if you go out in public show affection towards each other. The look and comment other people on the street give you. If that doesn't bother you and her. Then all good. If it does then it not good. If your relationship is behind close doors and you and her content with that
Then it between you two. . I will say I had same thing happen to me. We talk about everything and shared same points of view on life. Interest were same. We even could finish each others thoughts sentences . But the looks we got in public. We could not be our self in public. Even though we share same interests and she came onto me and we could talk about anything and everything comfortable communication between us. I walked away. If we couldn't be out in public and enjoy the day and time together. Then it wasn't worth it. She had her whole ahead of her. I end it. She couldn't just be friends with me. She got a crush on me. She always said no one understands me like I did. That she felt more comfortable with me than anyone else. Yes it was same for me when we one on one alone. But the discomfort was out in public place.. I often wonder if it could have been some thing special. Our talks were amazing great communication between us. Oh well that been 10 yrs ago now. She be 30 now . .
It comes down to if it feel right to you both. Ask yourself can I feel comfortable holding hands with her or kissing her in public. Could you sit together close in public restaurant. If it uncomfortable for you or her or both of you. Then it wrong.

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Lucky dog. I hope when I’m 43 I can find a 19 to fondle.

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Lucky dog. I hope when I’m 43 I can find a 19 to fondle.

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Lucky dog. I hope when I’m 43 I can find a 19 to fondle.

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who tf are you, John Mayor.
She is legally an adult so technically its okay.

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Absolutely not. There's nothing wrong with it. Enjoy it until it ends. God bless you brother.

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