i fell in love with this guy in october and he liked me too. we were 'together' and everything was fine until i stopped liking him. whenever i was at home, and he wasnt with me, i had a HUGE crush on him again and was like, stalking him on facebook, listening to his fav songs, and just plain looking at pictures of him. then when i went to school the next day, and saw him all my feelings just left and i thought of him as just a friend. but whe he says my name or looks at me my heart JUMPS to the sky. he NEVER talks to me at school. when we text he tells me EVERYTHING. he loves me and i think i like him just not when i see him. do i like him or not? i think i do. i even made a song about him. it winter break and im obsesssed with him now but i dont know whats gonna happen when i see him. do i love him?