This is my rough essay to keeping my promise for try something for 30days

well it’s 10th of june 2015.

i bought contact renzs . i clothing up my self and went out

it was really hot ! when i went out , my back got sweat

i felt that i don’t want to go out

it’s nearly summer . theseday i really noticed that summer is already come infront my nose

the worst thing is i should go out for work after 10 minutes

there’re a lot of people walking around my home

in korea there is a virus called merrs

it take almost eight people’s birth.. this make people got afraid

ten of thousand of people got this ill, but the goverment didn’t do anything for them

when the administer ciff of seoul city trying to make some way to solve and provent this ill

goverment said “ he trying to get population , for being president”

what the hell is going on this country…

i hope they help them whom got ill and i hope that they share their information to co- operation

this is really awkard so please check my writing !
and .. corract in grammers or words !