Why do some men think, "White man is keeping them down?"

Me and my friend (black) and my roomate and his friend (who are both white) was walking from a bar one day with liquor in our system. Anyways, this white guy who has a black wife (and he constantly talks about race and politics) seems to have some insecurity towards black men in general & I can only tell this by the way he acts. Anyway, he brought up a topic that black men are intimidated by black women's success and me and my friend (Black friend) disagreed with him. However, him and my black friend got into an argument and my black friend said, "its because the white man is keeping us down!" the white dude agreed (as he's one of those white dude who's a yes man to black people once they get mad). I disagreed because I feel in 2016 as black people we have enough resources to be successful & I also believe it comes down to wealth and how much money you have. Personally, I know other whites that I'm more priviledged than and having a car and I know whites who have more than me, I do understand what my friend was saying and I do believe white men may have a slight advantage over blacks (in certain areas more like the south where my friend was living) but what pissed me off, is that my friend moved down to the south, with no job, and married a girl at 22 and got her pregnant. This had absolutely nothing to do with the white man, it's a mistake he made and something he has to live with, he is now divorced over his dumb decision, he dropped out of school when he married her. I suggested and offered him to come up here with me and he chose not to and now he wants to blame the white man for his mistake. I feel differently because I was able to test out of classes college course classes and get a Degree, and I get paid more than 75% of people in my age group. I consider myself successful as a minority, I also looked up the Colleges and MIT which is one of the best tech schools is only 30% white, 10 years from now white people will not have a head start on minorities. We also had a black president and I know plenty of black people who achieved. I believe whatever I want in life, I'll go get even if I have to work x10 harder instead of complaining about it like a b*** & blaming other people. I udnerstand what my friend was saying but what I don't like is that he doesn't take responsiblity for his own actions nad mistakes he made, my main question is why do idiot irresponsible black people think this? The white man I was arguing with I am more successful than as well despite him being twice my age.