was heading out simply walking down curved stairs, may I note, in the lowest heel possible, kitty heels; when I slipped and was gonna fall face forward, down curved stairs... and prevented falling by putting the ball of my right foot for support to stop the momentum of the fall. Decided maybe I should not wear heels and changed to flat sandals. Walked all day just fine after that. An hour after I got home, it started to hurt. First it was the upper ball of my foot between the toes in the centre. I believe it's called the communicative branch. Then it progressed upward to my long instep and the inner side and briefly the outer side but that one stopped. then just bellow my ankle,and a bit at the balls of it. So far I see no swelling or bruising. I can extend moderately but not too much, but not bend it upwards. However I cannot stand in it. It hurts, and much less walk and bend the ball of my foot to walk because these areas start to hurt. I've tried to research what it could be, if a tear, sprain and what kind, but I don't know any more. Considering I also have bunions and had a jaw treatment that also align my feet, legs and hips, I am a bit worried. I am wondering if there is a treatment or remedy I can do and ft it could develop into something serious so that I consider seeing a doctor immediately. Any suggestions? Info? please let me know.