Tried makeup but they're raised scars and catch the light. Not to mention the makeup rubs off on absolutely everything (scars from wrist to inner elbow). I don't normally cover them up, but for a church function I would be mortified to leave them uncovered. I could do an arm wrap or something - anything stylish. Any ideas? And yes, I stopped. I was in treatment for a few months.
Responses (1)
i don't think you should hide your past. being a new christian/catholic ect. it will show people the problems you once had and how god helped. my friend is going to pastorial school and he never hides his self-harm scars. even though we are going to a different church so he can preech for the next couple of weeks he doesn't hide his.
well it wasnt really your moms choice was it? this is way late and completly unnecessary now but i just wanted to say.
I'm not ashamed of them... but my mother doesn't feel comfortable with our church knowing about my struggles with mental health.