A guy continuously picks up his best friend every single day for them to be together as they go to school, with noticable powder on his face and fixed hair, obviously wants to look good in front of the best friend. wants that best friend to be with him every single time of day and would want that best friend to go with him during his dates with his girl friend. when they watch movies at home the guy sneakingly force himself up to seat beside his best friend and would unconsciously puts his hands anywhere on his best friend (not the lower part), follows his best friend's silly and almost stupid request and follows his best friends every move. and now the guy is going to the same university with his best friend. -> i know i should not put deep meaning in to it but i can't help it, the guy is often mistaken to be gay but his handsome and tall so he has tons of girl friends and ladies following him. the best friend on other hand is simple and funny, he teases the guy because he would wear skimpy clothes like when the guy goes to his house he would only wear boxers and a fitted clothing but the guy would simply laughed it off. it doesn't really matter if the guy is gay because if ever i would totally like it and support them all the way. but yea, i can't really determine if his actions are natural for a guy to do with other guys so what is your opinion?