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How does your software detect and prevent banking fraud?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: software, banking, fraud

Should we be prejudice with anyone? or IS it ok to be that way?

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: prejudice

Why is there a witch hunt in Hollywood against powerful men?

It seems like its a power takeover and the "victims" are acting and getting paid to ruin peoples lives

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: people, men, power, hollywood, hunt, witch, ruin, against, acting, powerful, victim

How do I get revenge on my friend that has been playing victim this whole time?

BTW sorry if this is long. So here's the story of my friend Ashlyn, i invited her to our friend group barely knowing her. i thought she was ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: playing, group, friend, story, revenge, thought, sorry, friends, time, victim

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