Results for 'Reading Magazine Today Word Time Article'

What does compulsory mean?

OK so today I was reading an article from a long time ago in a magazine, and I came across the word "compulsory" and I was thinking to ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: reading, magazine, today, word, time, article

Passing on a article in a subscription magazine?

If I read an article in an online magazine I have a paid subscribed to, and someone I know asks me to send them the article for them to read, is this ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: read, online, passing, magazine, article

I need help finding a really long article on one direction?

Hi! I need a 2page long magazine or newspaper article on 1D for and English project. Please can someone just post a link to any site with a long ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: project, newspaper, post, direction, link, english, magazine, help, article, one direction

What is most effective, tv ads, magazine ads, social media advertising or word of mouth?

What is most effective, tv ads, magazine ads, social media advertising or word of mouth?

Posted 3+ months 0 answers 1 star

Related support groups: media, advertising, social, mouth, magazine, word, tv, social media

Can I cancel a product trial on the last day of the trial period and still get my money back?

I have a 15 day trial for a magazine subscription. I called the company to cancel and they guy told me that the trial expires today. Do I still have ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: money, company, back, guys, product, magazine, trials, today, trial, days, period, guy, periods, day

A regular magazine on paper or the digital edition of it is better to read?

Which method is more comfortable? Or which one is worth the money? To buy a magazine at the newsstand or to download an online copy?

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: money, paper, digital, read, online, worth, magazine, comfortable, download, reading

Can you use "census regions" as one word?

I am doing summer homework. One of the assignments is to choose three words from this article that I was unfamiliar with, and define them. It's ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: summer, homework, assignment, region, word, article

What are the eye-catching topics for school magazines?

I have to give articles for my School magazine within 1 month and I can't think of an interesting article. Please suggest me some eye-catching ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: school, eye, interesting, magazine, month, schools, article, eyes

Review Article on management theoris and practices?

Part I: Article summary Write a brief review of the article’s aim and purpose by addressing the following questions. What is the research ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: practice, review, management, article

The use of articles in English?

Hello, I have the following question. I've read different articles and have noticed one thing. The phrase "demand for something" is ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: read, different, english, question, article

If Your female student is reading a fashion magazine during class time, Would you confiscate it?

If this is continuous would you toss the magazines in the Garbage. A couple girls in my class bring their Latina magazines and reads them when I am ...

Posted 3+ months 3 answers

Related support groups: garbage, female, girl, reading, fashion, student, magazine, latina, girls

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