Results for 'Marine Corp America World Military People Government'

Can a wolf biologist (from america) help people in aussie understand dingoes?

im a 16 year old trying to decide what i want to do im between marine bio particularly sharks/rays and wildlife bio particularly wolfs. just trying ...

Posted 3+ months 3 answers

Related support groups: people, rays, america, shark, wildlife, year, marine, wolf, aussie, old, years, help

Is America Past Racism?

For my Government class, I have to participate in a debate. For this debate, I have to argue that America is past racism. Now, I'm finding this ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: past, america, government, racism, debate

Id like to enlist in the Marine Corps?

Anyone have tips on how to increase push up amounts? and running techniques?

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: running, push, marine, corp, tip, technique

Can I get the MOS I want for sure? USMC?

As some of you may know it's hard to come by an infantry job in the Marine Corps but I just don't want to have anything else. I know I know ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: moss, usmc, marine, job, corp

My bestfriend is in the marine corps and is away from his girlfriend. He gave her permission to have

... sex with me because he knows she gets lonely. Thoughts?

Posted 3+ months 3 answers

Related support groups: lonely, sex, girlfriend, marine, away, corp, thought

What is the cost of Excising a tattoo, approximately 1 sq inch tia?

Long story short going to Marine corps, and its in a place that is out of regs. was doing tattoo removal laser but its been like 2 years and its like ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: place, year, marine, laser, tattoo, story, inch, corp, cost, years, shorts

Am I able to join the marine corps with drug felony?

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: marine, corp, drug, join, drugs

Google - This girl I love knows I love her but she says she dose dose not feel the same but I know?

... she dose but i am leaving for the marine corps and I don't know what I should do can you help?

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: girl, love, marine, corp, feel, leaving, google, girls

Will my fiance get discharged from the Marine Corps?

The other night he and his friend were in a car accident because his friend was driving under the influence. He was not intoxicated from what I ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: night, driving, friend, accident, under, marine, corp, car, friends, cars

How can a bankrupt government united state for America become a corporation AKA"act of 1871" and t?

How can a bankrupt government , united state's for America become a corporation AKA "act of 1871" and this weird partnership annexed ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: state, america, weird, government, hawaii, united, act, kingdom, united states, corporation

Can I become a marine biologist and be a doctor at the same time? Help with humans and ocean?

Like i want to become a marine biologist and yet help people with a doctoral degree on it? If that makes any sense?

Posted 3+ months 1 answer 1 star

Related support groups: people, ocean, human, marine, degrees, sense, doctor, degree, help, time, humans, major

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