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Guns and Roses for life! My best topics: Girls, boys, dogs, guitar, some sports, music, advice, sisters, siblings Shoot me a private question if... read more

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Any Guns and Roses fans that want to discuss anything about Guns and Roses?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: rose, friend, fan, gun, talk, guns, friends, music, rock, bored, 80s

questionsgalor's comment: Um, okay

I search for some teenage song from 80's or 90's. Can you help me?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: playing, people, star, first, guitar, friend, singing, jam, video, search, song, teenage, guys, meet, friends, guy, songs, saxophone, ...

questionsgalor's comment: That's an awesome website!

Why is my stomach roaring?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 5 answers | | Open

Related topics: home, school, stomach, schools, homes, hunger

questionsgalor's comment: Haha! =)

Best snacks to eat while studing/doing homework?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 3 answers | | Open

Related topics: school, hungry, snack, homework, always, schools, pick, food, studying

questionsgalor's comment: Thanks! I've tried the gum trick before and it works pretty good! =)

Best snacks to eat while studing/doing homework?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 3 answers | | Open

Related topics: school, hungry, snack, homework, always, schools, pick, food, studying

questionsgalor's comment: Thanks! But what is an aubergine?

What does nizjae mean it is my name and I can't find it any where?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: name

questionsgalor's comment: XD I'm dying right now, haha

Google - I have this idea where you could find any song you wanted even if you didn't know it?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: wanted, song, thought, idea, google, website, good, songs

questionsgalor's comment: If you send me a private question, maybe then it will work

Google - I have this idea where you could find any song you wanted even if you didn't know it?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: wanted, song, thought, idea, google, website, good, songs

questionsgalor's comment: Sorry, it wouldn't let me put in the website

Strange behavior at night?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: night, dark, hand, little, chihuahua, under, nose, comfortable

questionsgalor's comment: Haha, glad I could help clear some things up. =)

What is a good movie for a 13 year old to watch with her mom?

Question posted by questions... 3+ months ago | 9 answers | | Open

Related topics: mom, girl, watch, year, movie, enjoy, girls, old, years, good, movies

questionsgalor's comment: I've watched these with my mom too, they are perfect!