Results for 'Rapid Slow Showing Surrounding Worried Wound Google'

Google - Can I remove the hard scab around my wound?

Its a slow healing wound - 2 - 3 yrs now. Has just started showing signs of rapid healing with surrounding hard scab. I am getting worried about ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: rapid, slow, showing, surrounding, worried, wound, google

Foot wound dressing changes too painful,search for help!?

About eleven days ago,I got a wound at the bottom of my right foot .Touched dirty rain water carelessly,the wound infected unfortunately.Now the ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: foot, wound

What does it mean to say a wound was oriented in "10 'til 4 o'clock position" ?

a medical report says that a person was stabbed in his left abdomen and the wound was oriented in "10 'til 4 o'clock position" ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: person, position, medical, report, wound

Can a hemophiliac's wound be treated by applying a non-hemophiliac's blood to the wound site?

Can a hemophiliac's wound be treated by applying a non-hemophiliac's blood to the wound site? Obviously this would not be ideal, but in ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: blood, wound

I have an open wound?

i have an open wound on my calf from two days ago and i put iodine and a bandage over it after a day (without cleaning it in any special way) and the ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: open, over, special, calf, cleaning, wound, days, day

Little pieces of dirt left in my wound, what will happen?

I scraped my knee yesterday and I wasn't able to clean it immediately, now there are pieces of dirt from the gritty road stuck on my wound.. I ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: road, stuck, piece, little, left, dirt, gritty, knee, yesterday, wound, infection

Open wound after surgery?

Hello I had my appendix removed last week and my woundnin my stomach became infected. The surgeons got the infection out and left the wound open. The ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: open, week, surgery, stomach, infected, surgeon, wound, infection

What do you mean by rapid prototyping?

Rapid prototyping is a term commonly used to describe additive layer fabrication nowadays, but it also encompasses subtractive manufacturing, i.e. ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: rapid, layer, additive, mac

Should you use crutches when you have a wound on your leg?

Long story short, I wasn't very smart. Now, I have a nasty wound on the middle of my thigh. It's fairly deep, not very long, but I ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: leg, stitches, crutches, self harm

How long would it take a bullet wound to the side to heal?

It's for a book I'm writing. The victim is a healthy, seventeen year old girl. The wound is below the rib cage, but far enough to the side ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: girl, cage, book, side, bullet, healthy, year, writing, fars, below, ribs, wound, girls, old, heal, years, books, victim

My Grandmother Has A Wound Like Thing On The Backside Of Her Leg Alomst On The Ankle. What to do?

We Have Seen Doctors From Most Of The Departments And None Of Them Have Been Able To Find Out The Cause. Where Do I Look For The Solution? The size ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: leg, doctor, wound, ankle

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