Results for 'Life Girlfriend Straight Away Together Job Struggle Problem Everything'

I'm jealous of my girlfriend because she gets everything she wants while I struggle, what do I do?

I'm jealous of my girlfriend because she has her life together and never has any problems like when getting a job she got it straight away while ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: life, girlfriend, straight, away, together, job, struggle, problem, everything

Am I stupid or dyslexic?

I really struggle with understanding basic instructions. All my life I have been the "stupid friend." Teachers act like I am not trying ...

Posted 3+ months 3 answers

Related support groups: life, school, college, collage, friend, writing, education, act, teacher, ives, stupid, struggle, instructions, schools, ...

My adult daughter lives in another state . She's been there for quite some time. Some days, I?

... think she has to convince herself that she is happy. It's a struggle day i and day out struggle. Yes. That's life I get it. But it ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: life, state, happy, daughter, adult, struggle, time, days, day, adult content

If I know a guy likes me a lot, and he likes me too, why doesn't he ask me to be his girlfriend?

We work together, and we've both shared with each other how we feel. And we've hung out before and it went fantastic, and he acted around ...

Posted 3+ months 6 answers 1 star

Related support groups: work, girlfriend, together, feel, guy

Is it best if the Arab World Solves Its Own Problems?

“When it comes to intervening in the Arab world’s existential struggle, should we stop and ask ourselves why we have such a challenge ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: world, arab, challenge, struggle, problem

Help with depression?

I'm always sad and fearful, I really want to change but struggle to, I get bored easily and don't have interests like I used to also, No ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: friend, bored, depression, interest, always, struggle, friends, sad

When I think about something exiting, my heart beats fast, my limbs spasm & I struggle to breath?

If i think about something like winning a horse show or something i enjoy i my heart beats super fast and i struggle to breath i can't control ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: heart, beat, limb, struggle, breath, medical, scared

Am I considered a Canadian if I migrated to Canada when I was 11yrs old?

I struggle identifying myself sometimes. I feel sometimes I am Canadian because I don't fit in with groups who are from my country and sometimes ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: canada, group, country, canadian, feel, struggle

What is this strange feeling/sensation I struggle to describe?

What is this strange feeling/sensation I struggle to describe? It goes as far back as I can remember. And as far as I can tell it doesn't seem ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: strange, feeling, back, remember, fars, struggle

My girlfriend's Ex lover causing problems, how can I solve this?

My girlfriend's ex keeps annoying me and my girlfriend, he thinks I stole her from him, I don't know what to do, how can I solve this ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: lover, girlfriend, problem

Sometimes my girlfriend falls asleep she struggles to take a breath in but can't. What is this from?

It doesn't happen all the time just some nights. She'll fall asleep and she'll struggle to breath but can't and i try to wake her ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: fall, night, asleep, girlfriend, wake, struggle, breath, time

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